Picking Plums in a changing climate

The first plum pick of the year always marks the start of the “proper” foraging season for us. The timing of that first harvest sets in motion trips to Evesham...

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Getting out of the office and into the orchard!

On a sweaty midsummer day, a crack team of weeders and whackers headed out from Fruits of the Forage HQ armed with billhooks and sickles. The objective was to suppress...

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Silvopasture – producing fruit in harmony with nature

Silvopasture – growing tree crops, be it fruit, nuts or wood alongside grazing animals is nothing new. Examples can be found all over the world; from pigs foraging acorns in...

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Back to the jam kitchen!

It’s the time of year when we had back to our jam kitchen after a well earned break following the hectic Autumn and Christmas season. Our first job of the...

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Save Danes Moss!

Cheshire East Council’s ‘Ambition for All’ policy document lays out a Sustainable Community Strategy stating, “Our goal is to make continuous environmental improvements to our local area”. This does not...

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Tree Planting Projects

It was a difficult year for tree planting with the peak of the pandemic in the UK in January and February coinciding with the tree planting season making it difficult...

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Fruit Seasons Around The UK & Europe

Studies exploring the pathway to carbon neutral agriculture in the UK agree that importing vegetables and fruits from close neighbours such as France, Italy, Morocco and Spain will be an important part of building a sustainable...

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Another year of zero emissions with eLOV!

You may remember that we partnered with local e-bike delivery company eLOV back in May 2021 to bring you eco-friendly, zero emission fruit and veg deliveries. Almost one year on and...

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Our story... (part one)

Fruits of the Forage started from the simple desire of using the fruits we saw around us going to waste to create products for the community, to show people what...

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